Rocio Sandoval - Painter

This former escaramuza rider has combined her love for charreria and horses with her artistic talent for over four decades in Aguascalientes, with dozens of exhibits worlwide. She says it's the horses' free spirit that she admires and tries to capture.

Escaramuza team Reencuentro Sanmarqueno
Escaramuza Reencuentro Sanmarqueno carry a banner designed by Rocio Sandoval, whose daughter rides on the team.

Banner of an escaramuza rider
Banner detail

Sandoval's work was recently spotted on a banner used by an escaramuza team during the opening parade at an escaramuza fair, seen in the pictures at left and above. 

She didn't grow up in a charro family, but fell in love with charreria and married a charro who was also an escaramuza team instructor.

After years of riding with escaramuza teams, she passed the tradition on to her two daughters who are active escaramuza riders and team instructors in Aguascalientes.

Painting of white horses by Rocio Sandoval
Title : Rumbo Fijo (Straight Course)

Sandoval is best known for her paintings of Our Lady of Guadalupe and for the spiritual references she incorporates throughout her work.  For example, her paintings of Mexico's patron Saint are surrounded by ancient Indian codices that hark back to Mexico's indigenous religious history, a tribute to mother earth, known as "Tonantzin" by the Mexicas (or Aztecs) before the Spanish conquest. In all her work, she incorporates images of the four elements, the four cardinal directions and codes from the Nahuatl language, one of the most widespread ​​prehispanic languages alive today in Mesoamerica.

Artist Rocio Sandoval with her paintings of the Virgin of Guadalupe
 Rocio Sandoval poses with her paintings of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that include ancient Indian spiritual symbols.
Painting by Rocio Sandoval
Title : Retorno a lo Sagrado (Return to the Sacred)
Sandoval, who gives art classes to all ages from her studio in Augascalientes, is also an authority on various Mexican traditions. She speaks at conferences about the Virgin of Guadalupe, the tradition of The Day of the Dead and the "Huehuetlatolli," or 'The sayings of the old,' or wisdom that was passed down from generation to generation in the Nahuatl language.

Rocio Sandoval 
Aguascalientes, Mexico
E-mail :
 Home : 001.449.914.0684 (telcel) 
Cell :045.449.111.66.45