Margarita Ceron - Making History

Margarita Ceron at a charreria rodeo in Azcopotzalco. Photo by Leslie Mazoch
Have you ever seen a woman narrate a Mexican escaramuza fair? There are a few female narrators out there, but not many. Margarita Itzirethzy Ceron Aruvizu is working toward doing just that.

Commentators at escaramuza fairs are the ones who introduce the teams comment on performances, bellow poetic verses in between live band performances and make public announcements about upcoming events, etc. Like sports commentators for TV and radio, charreria announcers have become part of the experience for the spectator.

She is building a career in journalism and is off to a good start. You can find her newspaper column "Con la Vara y Espuela" in the daily newspaper "Sol de Mexico" and her weekly radio report "Mexico a traves de la Charreria" on Radio Wed Telmex. On top of that, she's recording her first professional demo of ranchero songs this year.

Margarita Ceron can be contacted at this e-mail: