This four year film project tells the story of the escaramuza team Las Azaleas from Perris, California, during 2008 and 2009 as they strive to make the final cut to compete among the best escaramuza teams from Mexico and the U.S. at the National Charro Championships in Mexico. They made the cut back in 2009 to compete in Guadalajara, Mexico and will also be at the 2012 competition in Zacatecas, Mexico.
Robin Rosenthal and Bill Yahraus |
This kind of intimate look into the real lives of people is characteristic of its makers, the husband-wife team of professional digital film making-artists Robin Rosenthal and Bill Yahraus. They create long-form documentaries, educational films and industrial films through their company Pony Highway Productions based in southern California.
If you can't catch the premier of ESCARAMUZA: Riding from the Heart in October it will become available for purchase as a DVD on thieir website and you can keep up with the latest news on their Facebook Page.